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England & Wales Hardwicke Marriage Index
Marriages 1754 - 1837
Foremark St Saviour


The Parish

The parish of Foremark lies in southern Derbyshire fairly close to both the border with Leicestershire and also with that with Staffordshire. Foremark is located about 6 miles northeast of the Staffordshire brewing town of Burton upon Trent and sits on the southern banks of the River Trent in an area largely devoid of significant roads, the closest being 3 miles east namely the A514 connecting Derby with Swadlincote. Foremark is an estate parish with most land held by a single landowner no distinct village has developed and the parish is dominated by the estate of Foremark Hall, seat of the Burdett family since the 16th century. Besides the estate and its grounds Foremark merely has a scatter of farms and cottages as well as the hamlet of Ingleby to its east. The rich pastureland of the Trent flood-plain led to Foremark having primarily a pastoral farming regime but the affairs of Foremark estate largely dictated the parish economy. The Trent drained the parish eastwards on its long journey to the North Sea reaching it through the Humber Estuary. Within Foremark parish the Trent has formed something of a river cliff as it bent south to come against harder sandstones, Foremark is sited at between 40 and 65 metres above the sea with land continuing to rise away from the river to local heights of just over 100 metres. Foremark parish was fairly typically sized for a lowland Derbyshire parish, covering close to 2,000 acres (including Ingleby) it would have supported close to 200 parishioners. In Domesday times Foremark was held by one Nigel of Stafford, a small place offering just a pair of ploughs, the usual meadows & woodland but there was a mill.

The Church

St Saviour's church sits up on the hill to the southeast of the grounds of the Hall and is accessed from the main lane running parallel to the Trent by a roughly surfaced track, a public footpath which heads over the hill to Foremark Reservoir. Foremark's original parish church stood between Foremark and Ingleby close to the Trent but the present church was erected at the expense of the Burdett family in 1662. Churches of the 17th century are fairly rare and Pevsner consequently finds St Saviour "uncommonly interesting". The church follows the standard layout of nave & chancel with a western tower and is styled in the Gothic tradition. Details replicate all three classic styles, early English, Decorated & Perpendicular, with the emphasis on the first and last of these. The rough track to the church is drive-able with care and there is ample space to park by the churchyard, sadly the church sits close to the southern boundary of the churchyard and has many trees stealing the optimum aspects on a sunny day and making for a difficult subject to adequately capture.

The Records

Register No Covering Dates Deposited With Register Style Quality Standard Comments
22nd September 1754 - 20th September 1820
Derbyshire Record Office - Reference - D808/A/PI/3/1   
Standard preprinted and self-numbered combined Banns & Marriage register with 4 entries per page
Grade 2 Register - not a perfect read but with a low likelihood of misreads
2 4th January 1813 - 15th November 1836 Derbyshire Record Office - Reference - D808/A/PI/3/2 Standard Rose style preprinted and prenumbered Marriage register Grade 2 Register - not a perfect read but with a low likelihood of misreads None

Barrow on Trent St Wilfrid
Barrow on Trent St Wilfrid
Stanton by Bridge St Michael
Repton St Wystan
Stanton by Bridge St Michael
Repton St Wystan
Ticknall St George
Ticknall St George

1760 1770 1780 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830

Register Reference Date Groom Forename Groom Surname Groom Status Groom Abode Bride Forename Bride Surname Bride Status Bride Abode
06/02/1754 Christopher HURD Lydia LEY
18/02/1754 William WITT Ann JOHNSON
25/02/1754 Thomas TAYLOR Repton Mary WEATE
1 22/09/1754 John BOSTON Elizabeth PEGG
2 29/04/1756 Bryan KNIGHT Melbourne Mary PLIMMILOW
3 20/09/1756 Semer DOLMAN Melbourne Rachel MOSELY
4 10/10/1756 Josiah MARROT Ticknall Elizabeth BARKER
5 06/11/1756 John BOOTH Seal Mary ROBINSON
6 08/11/1756 William PERCIVAL Breedon On The Hill, Leicestershire Sarah WYMAN
7 24/06/1757 William FEARN Elizabeth GARRAT
8 15/04/1759 Joseph JONES Ticknall Susannah SPURR
9 11/11/1759 Thomas WALTON Castle Donington, Leicestershire Sarah BOWER
10 12/01/1760 Edward BAKER Swarkestone Elizabeth ORDISH
11 20/10/1760 John ARCHER Elizabeth DORE
12 11/10/1762 William JACKSON Sarah FOLEY
13 09/09/1763 Thomas GILLOTT Heanor Mary HOWELL
14 31/12/1764 Henry COREY Mary WRIGHT
15 01/05/1765 Thomas SARJANT Sarah TRAFFORD
16 13/06/1765 Samuel BRIGGS Sarah MARIOT
17 10/07/1765 John ADAMS Ellen BOMFORD
18 14/10/1765 William PRATT Ann WEALTON
19 29/10/1766 Thomas NORWOOD Elizabeth HOLMES
20 26/01/1768 William GOADSBY Ruth ORDISH
21 07/08/1768 Thomas BAKEWELL Hannah ASTLE
22 30/08/1768 Ralph DOXSEY Mary DAWSON
23 01/11/1768 Joseph SHEPHARD Anne LAWRENCE
24 07/02/1769 John OVERDISH Sarah HOLMES
25 16/09/1769 Thomas ORDISH Sarah YEARLE
26 12/02/1770 William BAMFORD Mary BELEY
27 17/06/1770 Francis Noel Clarke MUNDY Mackworth Elizabeth BURDETT Single
28 26/06/1771 Joseph WILLMER Elisabeth FALLOWS
29 08/12/1772 Edward LYGO Sutton On The Hill Ann WINFIELD
30 09/12/1772 Joseph SPOR Single Sarah BOSTOCK Single Weston On Trent
31 29/05/1774 Joseph COPE Catherine FEARN
32 12/10/1774 William RATCLIFF Single Elizabeth PHEASANT Single
33 15/10/1775 Richard CHAMBERS Ann WALTON
34 21/11/1775 Francis WATTS Single Phoebe FAIRBROTHER Single Ashby De La Zouch, Leicestershire
35 28/07/1776 Richard BREALY Repton Mary LAURENCE
36 08/04/1777 Richard DODSLEY Ilkeston Dorothy GREAVES Single
37 11/11/1777 William ILSLEY Ticknall Ann FEARN
38 11/11/1777 Thomas PEARSON Elizabeth FOSTER
40 11/05/1778 Joseph WILLN Mary WILKINSON
41 13/07/1778 John HICKEN Weston On Trent Lydia FEARN
42 13/09/1778 William KEETLEY Ticknall Martha SILCOCK
43 26/10/1778 Joseph CLEMENTS Seal Sarah CLEMENTS
44 30/11/1778 John NEVIL Repton Frances ORCHARD Repton
45 19/04/1779 John MASSEY Swarkestone Mary BOSTOCK
46 29/05/1779 William DAWSON Weston On Trent Elizabeth RUSSELL
47 07/09/1779 David PAG Mary BUCK
48 03/11/1779 John EDWARDS Ann LILLEY
49 13/02/1781 William WITT Dorothy FIRN Repton
50 05/12/1781 Samuel BUXTON Ann ROBERTS Repton
51 03/04/1782 John MATLEY Single Sarah FEARN Single
52 23/05/1782 John ALLEN St Chad, Shrewsbury, Shropshire Ann BOSTOCK
53 30/03/1783 John SMITH Mary FOX
54 08/04/1783 Peter HENCKLEY Catherine RATLIFF
55 30/11/1783 Benjamin BARLOW Melbourne Elizabeth FEARN
56 21/08/1784 Samuel ARNOLD Mazilla HASTINGS
57 03/10/1784 Joshua FLETCHER Mary BUTLER
58 13/10/1784 Edward NEWTON Melbourne Catherine COXON
60 16/02/1785 Richard PARKER Weston On Trent Mary HASTINGS
61 11/05/1785 William SMITH Repton Ellenor DAWSON
62 05/07/1785 John RIGHT Millicent EATON
63 11/10/1785 Samuel SMITH Diana OAKES
64 31/10/1785 Godfrey BARTON Swarkestone Mary FEARN
75 30/03/1786 Edward WHITE Austrey, Warwickshire Elizabeth BACON
65 15/10/1786 William PEACH Sarah EGGE
66 16/12/1787 Joseph MANSEL Etwall Mary DAVENTON
67 12/05/1788 Thomas THRUTCHLEY Alvaston Hannah KERRY
68 18/11/1788 Thomas BROWN Elizabeth SHERWIN Mackworth
69 10/04/1791 Samuel SMITH St Peter, Derby Mary STURTEVANT
70 25/05/1791 Joseph RATCLIFFE Stanton By Bridge Mary BROWN
71 10/06/1792 Richard BULL Repton Sarah GOADSBY
72 08/05/1793 George NEWTON Lambley, Nottinghamshire Sarah FEARN
73 12/11/1793 Thomas PARKER Repton Ann FEARN
74 14/04/1794 Richard SMEDLEY St Alkmund, Derby Dorothy STAFFORD
76 06/06/1796 Thomas HALL Appleby, Leicestershire Mary SIDDAS
77 05/12/1796 Samuel MURFIN Zillah CARY
78 28/02/1797 Thomas GOADSBY Mary GOADSBY
79 01/05/1797 Martin MASSEY Marston On Dove Sarah SPOR
80 30/10/1797 Benjamin ASTLE Burton Upon Trent, Staffordshire Temperance DODGE
81 06/03/1798 Gilbert HUTCHINSON Ticknall Eliza GOADSBY
82 02/04/1798 John SHERWIN St Werburgh, Derby Ann BROWN
83 18/04/1799 Joseph ARMISHAW Aston, Warwickshire Ann ILLSLEY
84 13/07/1800 Thomas HAWKESWORTH Stanton By Bridge Mary GOADSBY
85 28/06/1801 Samuel DUDLEY St Peter, Derby Charlotte BROWNE
86 22/08/1801 William Dodsley FLAMSTEAD Georgiana GREAVES
87 05/10/1802 John SHARRATT Mary HILL
88 01/11/1802 Charles DUNICLIFF Single Melbourne Mary ORDISH Single
89 16/02/1803 Joseph BALDWIN Hannah SMITH
90 15/05/1803 John SHEPHARD Single Mary DOMAN Single Repton
91 28/09/1803 Humphrey SENHOUSE Single Crosscanonby, Cumberland Elizabeth Frances GREAVES Single
92 05/01/1804 John BUXTON Ann CHAPMAN
93 15/10/1804 Samuel WHITE Ticknall Lydia PICKERING
94 05/11/1804 William HILL Stapenhill Sarah FLETCHER
95 26/06/1805 Charles WHEELDON St Alkmund, Derby Mary WALLIS
96 24/12/1805 John HOLT Single Stanton By Bridge Jane SEALE Single
97 10/02/1806 James FLETCHER Single Dorothy MASON Single Repton
98 08/06/1808 John CLIVE Sarah NARWOOD
99 19/10/1808 Charles GOADSBY Ann FOREMAN
100 08/11/1809 Francis CLARKE All Saints, Derby Mary GRINDON
101 13/11/1810 William HODGKINSON Staffordshire Sarah MAMMATT
102 25/12/1810 Thomas BORROWDALE Katherine CAREY
103 04/02/1811 William FEARN Mary EDWARDS
104 03/06/1811 Richard PEARSON Ann WITT
105 21/04/1812 Thomas HOLT Jane WILSON
106 20/05/1812 Joseph SPOR Single Ann TAFT Single
1 04/01/1813 George GOADSLEY Ellin HANSON
2 28/06/1813 James FISHER Single Ann PEARSON Widow
3 18/11/1813 Thomas GOADSLEY Widower Ann MEAKIN Single
4 26/12/1814 Francis DOLMAN Single Sarah FEARN Single
5 28/05/1816 Samuel PEGG Ann Patience BULLOCK
6 28/08/1816 Edward ORDISH Sarah PEARSALL
7 23/12/1817 John BENTLEY Single Kingstone, Staffordshire Mary WITT Single
107 17/11/1818 Thomas FEARN Single Sarah STOKES Single Staffordshire
8 23/11/1818 John ROSE Single Ockbrook Ann PEARSALL Single
108 31/08/1819 William BUXTON Pamela ILLSLEY
109 20/09/1820 Thomas TOPLIS Shepshed, Leicestershire Susanna SHEPHERD
11 06/12/1821 George BAMFORD Sophia SHEPHERD
10 21/02/1824 James WILLIAMS Harriet DERRICK
9 20/11/1824 Robert BRIGGS Esther GRINDSON
13 31/01/1825 Thomas BROADBENT Single Harriet MURFIN Single
14 18/04/1825 Thomas GARRETT Frances VERNON
15 16/10/1826 Jacob FOSTER Aston Upon Trent Jane MILLWARD
16 17/09/1827 Charles MURPHIN Hannah DOLMAN
17 16/02/1829 Thomas SWANN Ann WRIGHT
19 00/00/1830 Joseph BULLOCK Mary PEARSON
18 10/08/1830 James WRIGHT Widower Measham, Leicestershire Elizabeth SMITH
20 23/07/1831 James WASS Maria RATCLIFFE
21 15/12/1831 Samuel ROOTH Scarcliffe Ann GOADSLEY Widow
22 18/06/1833 Charles DRAPER Osmaston By Derby Elizabeth BUXTON
23 14/10/1833 Thomas MATTOCKS Ann MURFIN
24 12/11/1833 Thomas BINGHAM Mancetter, Warwickshire Mary PEARSALL
25 08/09/1834 James ADAMS Charlotte ARMSON Repton
26 12/05/1835 Thomas BRYAN Loughborough, Leicestershire Charlotte RATCLIFFE
27 22/11/1835 Thomas DRAPER Ticknall Catharine ILLESLEY
28 14/04/1836 Job ALLEN Wirksworth Mary RATCLIFF
29 18/04/1836 William RICE St Michael, Derby Jane FISHER
30 03/05/1836 William SMITH Anne TAYLOR
31 12/06/1836 William ROPER Kegworth, Leicestershire Elizabeth MOORE
32 18/10/1836 Aaron THROP Repton Sarah DOLMAN
33 15/11/1836 Thomas DUNNICLIFF Ticknall Ann PEARSON

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